Monday, November 16, 2015

19 December 2014

Dear Family (and extended family, and friends),
First off, y'all emphasized the hardships of the MTC to the point that you may just have been dead wrong. My time here so far has been absolutely incredible, and I can't seem to stop smiling as the spirit remains present. I mean, I don't want to contradict anything you experienced folks said, but if the first four days really are the hardest, I'm looking forward to the best seven hundred days of my life.
A few words about the people I'm serving with:
To start, my companion, Elder Montandon. He's really great, and we're able to keep up a positive attitude together and try our best to keep getting along and forgive each other for our differences. Which are many. Of course, we do share the most important thing; a love of the gospel, and a strong testimony. Oh, and a birthday! We were born just a few hours apart, but somehow he ended up senior companion anyway. :)
The rest of the district is absolutely incredible. We're all in here typing away, and even while this time is set aside for concentrating on the people back home, we're still talking and laughing together. We have been crazy blessed to end up with a group of young adults that are somehow able to all get along, which is especially cool when you think about just how different we all are. There are ten of us all together, and there isn't one of them that I don't already love, and I honestly think the rest of them feel the way I do. The only problem we've had so far is getting along a bit TOO well, and talking instead of studying. :/ We're all working hard though, and it's amazing just how much each of us has progressed in just, how long has it been, two days?
Even though my time here has been so spiritual and inspiring, there have definitely been some hard moments, most of which happen every time I accidentally look out a window. Man, it feels weird to be so separated from the rest of the world and still have the exact same view from my new bedroom that I had in my bedroom at home. I say it feels weird, but really it feels more like a friendly punch in the stomach. No worries though, I'm slowly but surely learning to keep my eyes directed elsewhere, and I'm sure by the time I leave I'll have completely stopped missing any of you. ;)
Ew, some people from a different district just came into the computer lab, and now we'll have to quiet down so that they can concentrate. Darn those boring people who don't know how to form friendships. #district31 #alphadistrict #ishouldlearntolovethoseotherboringpeopleiguessbutwhohastimeyouknow
Anyway, I love and miss you all so much,
Elder Moulton
P.S. I may have already gained my MTC ten; the food is in great abundance.

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